Healthcare Innovation Modeling and Advice

HIMA Consulting works with early-stage companies that are seeking to develop and market novel innovations in the healthcare sector. We produce working economic models that quantify the value (or potential) of new health technologies with a report elucidating health benefits and cost savings. The purpose of this work is to assist with uptake of promising health technologies, increasing value for the companies and improving patient health. HIMA believes in equity in health care modeling and strives to produce inclusive analyses that reflect equality among patient groups. See our mission statement.

HIMA works with companies of all sizes and at all stages. We can produce models for existing technologies as well as theoretical models for technologies in development or conception. Although HIMA is located in beautiful Edmonton, Alberta we create models for companies seeking access to the American and Canadian healthcare systems with individual analyses tailored to a company’s unique technology and adoption plan. HIMA works with all patient groups and in all disease areas. The final report includes an assessment of the value of the innovation to different payers as well as pricing, patient groups of interest, targets for future innovation and strategies to market a technology based on its potential.

Our models combine methods from standard health economics and health technology assessment with practical and creative techniques developed through experience working directly with companies. The analysis begins with a comparison of the total value of health improvements to the additional costs (or cost-savings) of the new technology. This cost-effectiveness analysis is then extended to account for other important outcomes and effects. The quantitative results of this analysis are combined with a qualitative assessment to determine the values and recommendations contained in the final report. See our Process.

HIMA Consulting is operated by Kyle Riley. After graduating from the Economics program at the University of British Columbia, Kyle worked in the banking/securities industry and energy regulation. In 2019 Kyle began his work with the Institute of Health Economics in the Industry Partnerships program, creating economic models for companies with novel health technologies. Over the following years he developed unique methods and outcomes to show value and effectiveness in individual models for over a dozen health technology companies. Kyle is a firm believer in the power of markets and innovation to help solve pressing health system issues while continuing to improve health, well-being, and life span.

Let’s Meet and Discuss What HIMA Can Do for You

There are no costs or commitments and all meetings and technologies discussed are confidential.